Current Methods and Technologies for Detecting Fraudulent IDs

There are now a number of different options available when it comes to identifying fake IDs and passports. Here are a few examples.


UV Light

The classic method for detecting fake Ids is UV light. What this method means is that you set up a UV light in the right way and in the right conditions according to the instructions on the detector for your particular situation, and then you pass IDs underneath it. Many identification cards and documents will have special features that only come forward to be seen when they are in the presence of UV light. Due to the fact that adding these special UV-sensitive features to the card is often difficult and requires special materials, the idea is that many counterfeiters won’t be able to copy that aspect of the card, either due to the difficulty involved or due to the expense.

As a result, people can just pass IDs under the light, look for the special features there, and potentially identify a fake ID if the features that should show up under UV light don’t do so. It’s a highly quick way to check IDs since you just have to put them under light and look, that’s it.



This online service is an answer to concerns that some counterfeiters actually are getting bold enough to find a way to add UV light features to their cards. Instead, this online service can take an image of a card and extract all the identifying data required from it right away. This includes facial recognition. The facial recognition software can then match the image on the card against an image of the actual person in question in order to establish a match between them. Read more about their identity verification software.

It can also extract data such as name, birthday, address, age nationality, number on document and a lot more in order to verify the details against whatever required standard.



Another online service that deals in this exact kind of fake ID detection service is This service focuses on identifying age based on a passport, ID card, or another ID document. That way, those who sell age-sensitive products won’t end up selling them to those who are under age and only pretending to be old enough to purchase what the items in question, which often include items like cannabis, tobacco, firearms, and other related items.

It’s a quick and easy way to make sure that a fake ID is spotted and discounted from the system without having to do a lot of extra work while performing various other duties that might also require their attention.